David Berg Berg
David's Latest Interactions
So, another BD coming up. Dang it, not another one! It's not that the Birthday itself is such a bad thing...party, cake, ice cream, presents, etc...but that another year has been added to the aging process. Not such a good thing. But I guess at our age we should be grateful that we made it though another year. Yay! So here's wishing you yet another very happy "Happy Birthday" and many more to come. I hope you are totally enjoying all that life has to offer.
A very Happy Birthday to you, friend. I hope you are doing well and loving life and that life is also loving you. Stay happy and every birthday will be a Happy Birthday.
Just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday, Barbara.
Posted on: Jun 21, 2023 at 7:44 AM
I hope you're doing well and that you have a very Happy Birthday.
Have a very happy Happy Birthday, girl. I hope you're doing well and have many more birthdays to come. Some great memories of you during our high school years. Yes, our bodies are getting old/ancient, but stay young at heart and be happy forever.
Hey girl, you have a great day today. Wow, you're almost as old as I. Isn't it strange how quickly the time seems to pass...very annoying and frustrating actually. Besides, who ever called these the "Golden Years" anyway? Well, Happy Birthday. Hope you're doing well and enjoy your day today.
Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday with many more to follow.
Happy Birthday Candy. yes we're getting kinda old, but just make sure you have young thoughts, or think you're young, or be young in your thoughts, or let your thoughts keep you young, or, whatever. Anyway, have a great day.